
Almost Paradise



9 Years
10-23-2016, 02:47 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2016, 02:48 PM by Storm.)

She smiled as he spoke glad that he loved his children, but at the same time she was a little concerned as he stated that he wished their mother had been there. She wouldn't pry as to what happened because she felt that if he wanted to tell her he would, but she wouldn't try to push him to tell her. It was not her business nor did she have a right to know. Despite not having her around, she was sure he did the best he could to raise his kids and if they were anything like him then Bass had done a fantastic job. She was excited to meet them and would eventually, but it may not be right away. She was sure he had quite a bit of land that the pack ran on. She found it amusing that he was gently hitting her shoulder with his tail. His next comment made her laugh, a large smile on her face finding his joke amusing. It was such a deep voice yet it sounded so soft.

She settled down before his next comment and her smile softened. She was glad he was so willing to help her out and that it would be a nice distraction for him.

"Well then I will have to take you up on that offer"

She appreciated it, especially since it would take her a little bit to get used to the area. Ears perked as she spoke again stating that they had now arrived at Abaven and she stopped before him, lifting her nose to the sky and taking in the scents. It smelled rather lovely and the women wagged her tail a soft smile still on her face.

"No Bass, Thank you in my years of travel I have never met a pack leader so far that is as welcoming as you. It is a great relief and brings hope that my future may be something other then traveling alone," she said. "Once I get settled in I will get started on gathering for the training and I'll look for you to help"

She wagged her tail again allowing it to gently hit his rear leg before lifting her head up. Jack knew it was time to look for a good den spot and he let out a deep kraa once more and led the way. Storm fallowed suit, ears pinned forward fallowing the sound of the Raven's beating wings.

-Exit Storm-

"Talk" "You" Think
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[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times