
heart is barely beating


06-20-2013, 03:09 AM

The unfamiliar and unknowing had never been something that frightened the russet fiend, in fact she had always regarded inimitable beings with an appreciative sagacity of inquisitiveness. Though the eerie parting of heavy fog was somewhat unwelcomed, the movement of a being causing humid clouds to whirl and fluctuate in previously void spaces. Eos had been prepared for her company, as canine hovered the passageways of her naires; though as vision strained and worlds combined, the beast that swayed with ghostly oddity before her was enough to encourage features to tense, ears brushing against her scalp in warning as pea-green pools anxiously studied the bizarre individual with hesitant curiosity. It was like nothing she had ever seen before, and yet Eos was still undecided on how wary she should be of the diminutive stranger. A warped grin twisted the lips of the dog?s compact face, surprisingly wolf-like vocals clutching the stagnant air that enveloped them.

So the creature had a clever tongue? Eos almost groaned; scrutinizing gape still held unwaveringly to the beasts own, ?The tang of death doesn?t worry me,? feminine tones ceased momentarily, ?It?s the pesky scavengers that are attracted to its smell that are the problem.? Brow twitched slightly, gaze dropping to the beast?s feet and then returning to her skull; suggestion lurking within the backdrop of her pupils. What was this awkward creature that so confidently presented itself? Though it seemed it wasn?t just the pair who had presented themselves into mutual company, the undoubtable aroma of female wolf still tickling the ladies mind. ?And death isn?t the only thing I can smell-? wary eyes threatened to leave the mortal, to stroll the area in search of their new company; though distrust encouraged the discomfited being to hold the youth?s attentions, emerald gaze still pinned to the beasts own.