
Return of the Vagabond



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-26-2016, 04:09 PM
Her full attention was given to him as he began to dive in to his account of what he had found. He mentioned the eastern lands, but of course that would be a no go. Not only was Abaven in the east, but so was Fiori and another pack that had recently sprung up. If they had moved there, then there would be too much competition for food, water, and other resources. That simply wouldn't do. With the prey as thin and as scarce as it was, last seasons droughts withering away precious herbs and water, it would spell doom for the pack. And staying here in the North? No. While she had always loved the snow and some of the memories it had brought, it also reminded her of all the bad memories. The cove where she had last seen her family. Where she was abandoned. The ship where she had been held prisoner and enslaved. Even the very pines they lived in...when Isardis ruled and had sent them all into war. Her and another being forced against their will. Not only that, but now there were new memories she wanted to forget. The stupid fight with Mercy. The confrontation with Lykos. Vereux's death...and various other things she didn't want to be around anymore. What used to be longer felt like it.

She listened with interest and surprise that he has traveled so far away. She herself had never been to Auster before, so she had no idea what was over there. But it seemed, he had found and seen some amazing things! Her maw lifted in a small smile as he recounted what he'd seen. His own eyes lighting up as he described the Plains and another place he'd found. When he mentioned the prey, and the potential benefits of the territories, she pondered for a moment. What about herbs? Water? She was sure that they'd find that there as well, but again, she had never been there. So she wasn't sure how different Auster was compared to these lands. "It seems you've done well, Dragon. You've found some places you like, and places that you think will support us. That's good. How is it there? Are there any herbs we could use? Water? I've never been to the southern continent...what else did you find?"


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