
i know your hope is heavy



10 Years
Extra large
10-27-2016, 12:22 PM
Aki cared about most wolves he met. He'd always thrived on interactions with others, however short-lived they might be. He was in love with the act of loving - and he had loved many over the years. Her words then made him wonder if she got that he was talking about her, and he simply chuckled, the sound full of mirth. "She's lovely enough," he answered simply, his tail wagging more rapidly behind him, batting at the earth behind him.

He snorted at her question, amusement sparkling in his crimson gaze. "Only as fleeting as we both hope it will be," Aki answered nonchalantly. And not a moment sooner. There were simply too many wolves to stay attached to just one - family, of course, was an obvious exception to that rule - but it was equally as foolish to leave someone when they were still enjoying each other's company. His grin appeared again as she leaned closer - though he was taken by surprise when he felt the pressure of her jaw closing around one of his tusks, tugging downward just slightly. Most people tended to either gape over them, or ignore them entirely as though afraid to bring them up.. but grab them? Never. Wildly amused, and perhaps a bit excited by her boldness, a soft rumble came from his chest.

"How do I taste?" the brute chortled playfully, his eyes gleaming as he looked at her from the corner of his vision, tugging lightly at her grip on him.