
Kick Through The Shackles



4 Years
Extra large
10-27-2016, 08:15 PM

Up and up, so much up.  Sometimes Karabela wondered why she did this to herself.  There was a weird mix of pain and pleasure in pushing her body this hard, in scaling a mountain, in exploring the nooks and crannies of a mother nature that could turn on her at any moment.  Yet, as they journeyed on her heart felt light.  Pausing on a ledge she peered out across the ocean, marveling at the blue of the water and the rippling waves of the sea.  She just felt so small amongst everything but for some reason the thought was more comforting than terrifying.  She wondered what the view was like for her mother if the warrior was indeed up where the sky spirits dwelled.

Karabela would turn to Selene and nod. "I agree, traveling is a bit part of my life though lately I've been learning to settle in one place.  Even so I still find myself straying.  I don't know what it is in me that compels me to wander."  She also wasn't sure how smart it was for an alpha to wander like she did.  She had to make her trips short to make sure she could patrol her borders but lately with the pack growing in size and the formidable nature of their dwelling she wasn't to worried. "Sure!  I'd love to go treasure hunting with you Selene.  Maybe in the spring time?"  She would have her paws full just trying to get her pack through the winter and doubted she'd have any time to really explore other lands.

The Chieftan leapt up onto another ledge, climbing higher, before leaping onto another when suddenly a rock shifted under her hind legs and sent her skidding down the slope.  Karabela swore, limbs flailing before she managed to catch herself. "Oops…" she chuckled. "The rocks are a bit loose up there.  Watch your step!" She shifted a bit on her paws, winching at the gash on the inside of her left foreleg.  Oi… she was certainly keeping her healers busy.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king