
I just wanna break this crown



8 Years
10-28-2016, 02:44 PM
ooc: Sorry for the wait Bird!

Asha wasn't even aware of the bird flying overheard. They were common creatures that she didn't often pay attention to. Unless it was a ptarmigan she wasn't likely to notice it. Instead she worked on sniffing out a rabbit. The little bastards were well hidden though and all she managed to find was a few mice that she wasn't interested in. Regardless of the fact they wouldn't make a meal, she leaped after them and bounded in the snow scaring the living daylights out of the small creatures. She laughed to herself and eventually left them alone to continue her struggling search for food.

She didn't even notice when the bird had left. Her nose was the ground, inches from the snow, as she sniffed around. It wasn't until she heard approaching paw-steps that she stopped and lifted her head to look behind her. She peered at the woman suspiciously. Was she being followed? She saw the bird now as it swooped overhead and she watched it curiously. Were they.... traveling together? That was such an odd concept to her. She hadn't even seen a wolf keep a pet before.

She watched as the other girl approached and cleared her throat. The suspicious look faded away and she offered a half-hearted smile towards the other woman. She wasn't sure what she wanted, but Asha's curiosity was piqued for the moment. Had the other wolf been a male she probably would have accepted her company more easily, but for now she accepted it as it was.

"You look just as lost as I am. My bird spotted you and...well, I guess he thought you needed company."

She mulled this over. She had to admit she was pretty lost, but she wasn't ready to say that out loud quite yet. She glanced up at the bird again and didn't know how she felt about being spied on by the creature. She would admit she did want some company - even if it was from suspicious looking wolves with strange pets.

"Nice to meet you... both." She added as she glanced back at the bird again. "I'm Asha. I kinda washed up here myself, yesterday." She explained hoping she wasn't here to ask for directions. She was pretty much clueless about this place.

[Image: Cg2w8lq.png]