
you were all i ever longed for



8 Years
10-28-2016, 05:24 PM

She wasn't quite sure what brought her here. Wandering was about the only thing she could do until she found somewhere permanent to stay. She'd been wandering for a while - most of it was escaping from her past. Between getting kicked out and then seeing her old pack lay in shambles, well that hadn't been the most welcoming of sights. Her mind often flitted back to the day she'd almost killed the kid and she got angry and upset all over again. It really had been an accident. Why did Caelum have to act like she'd done it on purpose?

A part of her was still bitter about it. It was almost as thought karma had come around and punished the white and black marked woman, but the whole pack hadn't deserved that. Wolves had died, gotten injured, and she wasn't even sure who all was alive if any of them even were. No, that hadn't all been karma. It'd been cruel and undesirable, even if she had been angry with her old Alphess. She would have never wished that upon all of them.

She found herself pining for the old days as she walked. Would she ever find anywhere that she comfortable in? Starting all over again didn't exactly sound tempting. She had no doubt in her ability to make new friends, but she certainly was a bit weary of it. How long until she did something stupid again. "Probably not long." she chuckled to herself. She had a pretty good knack for finding dangerous and stupid things. That or they found her.

A save caught her attention and she delved into it without thinking. She didn't mind the damp darkness that soon enveloped her as she left the warm sunlight. Eventually a strange scent hit her nose (she couldn't smell Zephyr at all) but she didn't think too much of it. In her experience caves always smelled a little funny because of the lack of sunlight.

She walked deeper and a strange sensation eventually overcame her. It came on quick do to her small size and she easily became light headed as she made her way through the twists and turns of the labyrinth. She didn't think about getting lost and eventually put all her time and effort into making sure that she didn't stumble through the dark. Her eyes had adjusted somewhat and vaguely she could make out the form of a wolf ahead of her.

"Hello?" She called out curiously.

[Image: Cg2w8lq.png]