
Eggs and Bakie!


10-28-2016, 05:51 PM

His father had flopped over to show his belly, making the boys dance more of a victory one. He was so big and strong that he couldn't believe that he had knocked him over with just one bite! Fable's chest puffed outward and his head rose with pride. He was so powerful! He bet that he could beat all his brothers and sisters in a battle, while only on three legs! Yup, that was totally possible. Not that he wanted to hurt his litter mates, but it sounded like fun, right? Well... for him. Losing couldn't be very fun.

With a huff he raced out of the den, getting irritated at his Da's slow speed. But when he ran back and told him to hold his horses, the gray and white boy paused and looked around him in confusion. Hold what horses? Where? What were horses? Looking back at Creed with his head flopped over to one side, his brows pulled together as he tried to figure it out. "Wha' horses? I don't HAS horses to howd!" he exclaimed. Was he supposed to have horses? Fable's lower lip protruded from his upper, an almost hurt expression on his face. Did his horses run away because he wasn't holding on to them?

Everything got washed away when he asked if he wanted to learn about hunting or fighting. His entire face lit up as he bounced back to his paws, shaking the worry away about his horses. He could find them later. "Umm I wanna wern figh'ing. Yeah, yeah! Cause then I cans be big and stwong wike my Da! I can beats awl da meanies away from my bwovers an' sistwer!" Fable yipped as he dropped into a play bow. His tail raised in the air and wiggled back and forth with vigor, a goofy grin on his maw.

Walk, "Talk" Think