
The Page Before A Story {Joining}


06-20-2013, 08:04 AM

When rabbits grew leaves and flowers grew toes, that was when the world of the unknown had come back to play. Where the flowers sang of blood and love and lost tomorrows. Where the winds knew nothing but their screams. It was where he was lost. Where she missed him. Where this wolf reminded her he had gone. Bones and ashes, lost and remembered, that was what he reminded her of. Violet eyes were unmoving as they watched the scene with in the darkness. Always was she in the darkness watching what the others did and they never seemed to be aware.

Oddities were what she thrived with. Those that could play the game of mad and be good at it. The broken belonged to her and she would collect them all. He was playing toy maker. Removing and dissecting the once meant to be food and yet she couldn?t help the smile that played across her lips. Had her heart not previously been won by the bite of her lover she would consider this male a possible suitor one the manner of business was dispelled. Alas, she was an alpha, and he was calling for her to come and meet him.

The wolf, torn between the flesh of man and woman, came to rise from the shadows. Stripping from them like leather chains that longed to forever hold their captive master. Yet they were frail things. Easy to rip away from and so they stayed sulking in their home while their master went to meet the stranger.

Her fur, was an odd mixture of gray, crushed velvet violet, and ebony. Those that looked upon her saw her as gray/purple but it was merely the odd contrast of her skin that gave her the illusion of violet fur. Bright violet eyes lingered over the mad man and she couldn?t help but allow her laughter to fill the void of silence. ?Calling for the shadows to whisk you away? Yet I thought you were having such fun playing with the morbid toy.? She said with delight. Oh it had been too long since she had felt anything but serious and for once it was enjoyable to be so carefree again. The madness was a friend at times, a sickness at others, but a friend nonetheless.