
Eggs and Bakie!


10-28-2016, 06:40 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2016, 06:40 PM by Evelyn.)

Saying that it was an expression didn't clear things up like Creed may have hoped. He still gave him a confused look, but just nodded his head. He didn't want to seem stupid, now did he? Nuh huh, not at all. He would remember to ask another adult what an expression was. He knew that funny looks on faces were expressions, but holding horses didn't sound like that was a face he could make. Fable's features twisted as he attempted to see what it might even feel like, but he was at a loss for where to even start! Maybe if he knew what a horse would he could do a lot better.

Pushing it away, he focused on his sire as he took a few steps towards a more grass spot. Trotting after him, he stood across with a rather serious look in his face. It almost looked out of place on the normally energetic boy, but he was so excited to learn that he wanted to listen real good. His tail still wagged slightly behind him, but otherwise his father had his full attention. When he said that his throat always needed to be protected, he instinctively dropped his chin towards his chest. "Wike dis?" he asked, peeking upwards a little more because of his moved head. And then a question was directed at him, asking why he thought this was a necessary thing. Fable took this very seriously, his lips pursing as he thought really hard. "Umm... 'cause is a 'portant pwart?" he stammered, unsure why else it would be the throat specifically. He didn't wanna get hurt any place!

Walk, "Talk" Think