
Living in the Memories



2 Years
Extra large

10-28-2016, 08:04 PM

She wondered what he would think if he ever found out that it had been her fault, that it had all started wth her. She didn't dare think about it, she was holding her breath as it was at the mere possibility of having Tar back. It was a fragile thing between them now, where in the past she would have called their bond unbreakable. It was a fact of life, it was simply there, and she accepted it, the friendship between them. The naivety of youth.

She knew her speech wasn't compelling, and found that she was uncertain of what Tar's reaction might be. She didn't know this wolf any more, and she had lost her hold over him. She didn't have to power to win him over with her tales and charm, and there was the very real possibility he would turn away from her, and leave her there.
How could a wolf fall in love with a concept? She loved everything Tar had been to her, and she loved the idea of an adult version of the pup she had known. She loved the idea of them growing up together, best friends, doing everything side by side. Every new lesson would have been one learned together, and somewhere in the corner of her thoughts had been the unshakable little idea that Tar was hers, that eventually, they would have been together like Anais and Galcier had been together. Like Voltage and Gaia had been together. Now she had to accept reality, and the fact that this Tar before her was a stranger, not the man she should have known like the bottom of her pads.

So when Tar spoke, she prepared for heartache, and received a gift.

Her ears perked up first, and her tail did a hopeful little wave behind her, she raised her eyes again, matching his gaze with her own. The spark of Ray shimmered beneath her blues, and she started to smile. A tentative, slow smile, a hopeful thing. Like the sun after endless rain. “Always, Tar. I promise. I'm big enough and old enough to go and do whatever I want now, and I chose to be by your side. Always. Nothing could take me from there now” she promised him solemnly, leaning forward, bowing her head close to his, touching her nose against him. Invading his space in this small, significant way as she sealed her promise with that gentle touch of nose to nose. She closed her eyes, breathed in the scent of him. That familiar, and strange mix. He smelled like sand and sea-salt, like the wind off their special cliffs, and promises. He smelled like home. She leaned away again, and smiled up at his mischievously.

Walk, "Talk" Think