
Lead me astray



2 Years
Extra large

10-28-2016, 09:15 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2016, 09:20 PM by Seraphiel.)

It had been a long time since she had been in Boreas lands, and even then she hadn't had a chance to travel far from Donostrea, she had been only a pup. It hadn't stopped her from exploring the lands immediately surrounding her home, but she hadn't had the chance to travel much further before The Incident.

Now she was a little more knowledgeable of the world, and had incentive to explore. She was going to find her family, she was going to make sure that everyone was okay. She missed them something ferocious, and wanted them back in her life. Tar was a start, more then a start really. There was no one she would have rather have had at her side to help her on this mission. Things weren't perfect between them, but they had started to repair the damage of her absence.

That wasn't to say things weren't a touch awkward at times. The first night in his presence she had hardly slept, occasionally cracking open an eye and peering at him through the darkness, needing to confirm that he was still there with her, that finding him hadn't been a dream. Then there was his scent, and the sight of him in all his adult glory. It kept knocking her off focus, and she would get caught up in her thoughts of him, thoughts that where unusual to the young wolf. She shook them off, and tried to downplay them. What she would have given to ask Caeli's advice. Of course, if her Aunt had already been there beside her then she wouldn't be standing at Mortars side in the strange smelling swamp, wondering where to find a lead in the search for her family. Well, perhaps the standing at Mortar's side part wouldn't have changed. She had made a promise, and she would give her life to keep it.

She lifted her head to the breeze, and wrinkled her nose at the smell of decay and mold. This place wasn't the sweetest smelling area in the world, and she was hopelessly lost. “We should try... this way” she said to her Partner in Crime, trying to infuse some confidence into the words as she navigated the marshy landscape.

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