
you were all i ever longed for

Zephyr I


10 Years
10-28-2016, 11:25 PM
His ears seemed to swivel constantly atop his head, constantly searching for sounds in the distance. This place was dangerous, in a way - he was fully aware that he would have nowhere to run if anyone chose to ambush him here. Perhaps it was a risk he shouldn't be so eager to take. It was too late now, though. If someone had followed him here, he'd have to fight his way out now. His jaw set in a solid line as he continued his descent into the caverns, one careful stride at a time.

This place was quite unlike anything he'd seen before. It was similar, in some ways, to places he'd explored before. But the scent was something new entirely. The smell of this place was musky and dank, which was not uncharacteristic of underground structures like this, but something just plain smelled.. different. Unusual. He couldn't quite place what was strange, but he felt slightly on edge here - and wondered, suddenly, if he'd made a mistake coming here in the first place.

A voice, soft and so distance it was hardly audible at all, caught his attention. His posture stiffened suddenly, instinctively. He wasn't even sure that it was a wolf's voice at all. The brute's head swung to the side, nostrils flaring as he searched for the source of the sound before he really found himself ambushed. A quick sniff of his perimeter told him only one wolf was approaching, which made him relax just slightly. The air was still here, and he only caught wind of her when she was almost too close to miss.

The scent was familiar, in an off-handed sort of way, though he didn't quite grasp who it was. Through the shadows he saw the shape of another wolf, dim light of the caverns just barely revealing the dark-furred woman He retracted when she spoke a simple greeting, his stomach tightening in uncertainty. Something about her, though he could barely even see her, made his fur stand on edge. He was uncomfortable, which was a rarity, though these days it seemed more frequent a feeling around strangers - or what he presumed was a stranger.

Slowly, ever so slowly, his vision of her became more clear. Though his eyes had gotten somewhat used to the nonexistent light of the caverns, suddenly everything seemed harder to make out than before. His head was spinning and he found himself shifting his weight from one side of his body to the other, feeling unsteady. "You following me?" he'd reply a bit gruffly to her question, eyes narrowed to get a better look at her across the distance that he'd widened.  He couldn't help but wonder where the sudden uneasiness in his chest had come from, but he was more concerned about why someone had followed him here.. and what the fastest route out was.