
Green with Jealousy



6 Years
10-29-2016, 12:17 PM

It was as if a switch had switched in the other woman's head after Soleil had spoken. She had all but actually made herself invisible through the entire conversation between herself and Xephyris aside from translating for them. Now Jaelle was making herself heard, hell her entire posture had changed along with her facial expressions. The mottled bell coated woman was right, but she didn't understand the full extent of why she had felt what she said. It wasn't just Xeph that had made her feel unloved and unwanted. No one understood that but her own siblings and they were gone, as far as she knew she would never see them again.

Her features would soften towards the other woman, her ears would perk up and she would even give Jaelle a small sad smile before giving a nod off agreement and speaking the words that now floated about within her head. "
Vous avez raison, je suis Stong. Mon père vit à cela. Il y a d'autres hommes et il ne sera jamais me définir. Mais thats pas pourquoi je me sens comme si personne ne pourra jamais occuper de moi aussi fortement que je me soucie des autres."
The tri colored woman would take a deep breath and exhale slowly as she searched Jaelles features. She wondered for a moment if she should just shake her head tell the other woman never mind and have her just tell the man she would be there. Soleil had had no plans of someone she barely knew to know why she was who she was, but she needed someone to understand her if she was going to stick around.

For a decision that seemed to take eternity within her own mind had only taken a matter of seconds in the world they all lived in. When she opened her mouth to speak again her features had softened, saddened even, as she remembered the way her father had been before he lost his mind, before his anger at Estelle and the attack he had made on her mother. He had been kind once, loving and playful even. As the words actually fell from her, her features hardened again as if she were looking at Xephyris once more. "Jaelle, Xephyris est pas le premier loup pour me faire sentir seul et trahi. Mon propre père était. Je me souviens encore quand il fait aimé de nous tous, la façon dont il a regardé maman et les jeux, il a joué avec moi et tous mes frères et sœurs. Tout cela a changé lorsque Estelle, Lunette et moi étions assez vieux pour commencer la formation." she would pause but for a moment to clench her jaw at what her father had done to all of them, to allow her features to become even more anger filled and cold than what it had been or ever would be toward Xephyris. She would never allow someone to hurt her family as much as her dad had ever again. If she ever found what remained she would protect them to her last breath if it came to that. "Estelle n'a pas été parfait, aucun d'entre nous étaient. Mais ma sœur n'a pas réussi à l'impressionner sur une constante. Elle était pas un guerrier comme il essayait de faire de nous tous, mais un chasseur à la place. Elle a échoué chaque test, notre père nous n'a jamais mis à travers et il a commencé à laisser sa colère le contrôler. Son incapacité à avoir des enfants parfaits est devenu la haine pour nous plutôt que de l'orgueil et de l'amour."

The closer she drew to Estelle's dismemberment, the angrier Soleil felt herself get. The need to bite something only grew in intensity. She and all of her family, even the pack her father had made had been betrayed by him. Xephyris's lack of control around the witch in heat was nothing but a pin prick in comparison to what her dad had done to all of them. "Enfin il rompit et prit toute sa frustration à la fois son faliur et la sienne sur elle. Le résultat de ce qui lui altéré de façon permanente. Elle a perdu sa jambe et la seule raison pour laquelle elle n'a pas mourir de l'infection était à cause de notre mère. De là, il n'a fait qu'empirer, chassant son sac et en prenant tout sur nous. Estelle a pris le pire, mais il n'a pas été tendre à aucun de nous. Finalement, nous ne pouvions pas prendre plus et nous avons aidée à lui échapper. Maman ne savait pas notre plan, mais il a pris sur elle de toute façon. Avec son sac de boxe préféré parti, il est devenu encore pire entré dans une dispute avec maman et a un œil d'elle. Elle ne nous laisserait pas l'aider, je suppose qu'elle pensait qu'il tournerait sur nous à côté, mais l'infection a tué quelques semaines plus tard." Turquoise orbs would gloss over with unshed tears as she told of what happened to her mother but she would not allow a few tears to keep her from telling her story. " Ce fut après sa mort que le reste d'entre nous avons décidé que nous devions partir trop. Nous sommes venus avec un plan, l'un d'entre nous ont dû rester. J'ai essayé de faire du bénévolat, mais Lunette et moi étions à plat a dit que nous ne pouvions pas rester. Pierretta est resté derrière, Lunette a été le premier à laisser suivi d'abord par Burkett, puis elle-même et enfin Ambrosie. Nous avons rencontré plus tard pour que nous puissions trouver Estelle, mais je me suis séparé d'eux quand cette terre inondée année dernière."

Soleil could feel the build of anger just beneath the surface of her skin. Beneath the anger that showed on her face was a volcano ready to explode, luckily for her and everyone around her, she had more control than her father ever had. The tri colored woman had her father's temper but her mother's self control. Her confidence in others was shattered by her father, her confidence in her ability to trust others was shattered by everyone she had ever trusted, other than her mother and siblings. Granted Jaelle hadn't lied to her as of yet, hell the woman seemed to be making Soleil like her more and more by the second. Turquoise orbs would turn on Xephyris long enough to stumble over a few words in English with a heavy French accent. "I'" it was her way of telling the silver man he could go or stay and listen to words that probably wouldn't be translated to him. She didn't care what he did at the moment, she was mentally drained at the moment with all of her anger directed at her father once more. "Xephyris a été le premier loup pour me donner même un deuxième coup d'œil, le seul que même prentended aux soins en dehors de son alpha Riv qui à haute voix me de rester dans ses frontières. Votre seul autre loup qui a même essayé de me parler depuis que je suis arrivé ici il y a presque deux ans. Voilà pourquoi je ne beleive toute personne ayant jamais fait soigner, non pas parce que cet idiot ne peut pas faire son esprit et de garder ses pattes pour lui-même."

- You are right, I am strong. My father saw to that. There are other men and he will never define me. But that's not why I feel as though no one will ever care for me as strongly as I care for others. - Jaelle, Xephyris isn't the first wolf to make me feel alone and betrayed. My own father was. I can still remember him when he actually loved all of us, the way he looked at mom and the games he played with me and all of my siblings. That all changed when Estelle, Lunette and I were old enough to start training. - Estelle was not perfect, none of us were. But my sister failed to impress him on a constant. She was not a warrior like he was trying to make all of us, but a hunter instead. She failed every test our father ever put us through and he began to let his anger control him. His failure to have perfect children became hate for us rather than pride and love. -  Finally he snapped and took out all of his frustration of both his failure and hers on her. The result of which impaired her permanently. She lost her leg and the only reason she didn't die of infection was because of our mom. From there he only got worse, driving out his pack and taking everything out of us. Estelle took the worst of it but he was not kind to any of us. Eventually we couldn't take it anymore and we helped her escape him. Mom didn't know our plan but he took it out on her anyway. With his favorite punching bag gone he got even worse got into an argument with mom and took an eye from her. She wouldn't let us help her, my guess is she thought he would turn on us next but the infection killed her a few weeks later. - It was after her death that the remainder of us decided we too needed to leave. We came up with a plan, one of us had to stay. I tried to volunteer but Lunette and I were flat out told we couldn't stay. Pierretta stayed behind, Lunette was the first to leave followed first by Burkett, then herself and finally Ambrosie. We met up later so we could find Estelle, but I got seperated from them when this land flooded last year. - Xephyris was the first wolf to even give me a second glance, the only one that even prentended to care aside from his alpha Riv who aloud me to stay within his boarders. Your the only other wolf that has even attempted to talk to me since I got here almost two years ago. That is why I don't beleive anyone with ever actually care, not because this idiot cant make up his mind and keep his paws to himself. -