
That Place in Your Heart

Bronze i


12 Years
06-20-2013, 11:52 AM (This post was last modified: 06-20-2013, 11:53 AM by Bronze i.)

Despite the frozen earth and the snow that seemed to cake the entirety of the land's surface, the southern coastal region was an entirely different story. Here, the sand was still loose and crumbled beneath his paws as he wandered. Still, winter's presence was not at all unnoticed. Still, small amounts of snow caked the area here and there, and the waves that crashed against the shoreline brought huge gusts of frigid cold wind to the land, pummeling anything that stood in its way.

One particularly large gust of wind made Bronze's skin crawl, though the sensation was comfortably familiar, despite being a bit uncomfortable to the older wolf. It his younger years, perhaps it would've been a bit more refreshing -- but alas, it was still nostalgic to feel such bitter cold seeping into his very core.

Upon arrival at the den she had been staying in, immediately Silent returned his bark and he found himself grinning ever so faintly in her direction. To his slightly surprise, she feigned relaxation, the leapt forward with startling swiftness for her age. She seemed to never grow old, at least not in spirit -- that was something he'd always loved about her.

Though she was much smaller than him, she tackled him and he fell to the soft sand, rolling a few times. Finally, she hovered slightly above him; his tongue lolled from the side of his jaws, the slightest hint of a smile toying at the corners of his lips. How flawlessly her presence affected his own, making him seem years younger. Fatigue that he felt so often seemed to simply melt away. His tail wagged beneath his form as he lay on his back, gazing up at her. She was the only one he would allow push him around so freely, so playfully; he trusted no other to hover above him in such a compromising position. And yet no hit of fear or aggression was evident in his soft brown gaze. Only admiration.

"Good morning to you, too," he greeted her, his voice deep and solemn, though was accompanied by a tender smile. The ebony-furred beauty leaned in, showering him with nuzzles and licks. He would oblige, content to take the affection while it was available. It soothed his soul, made him feel wanted, for once. No, not just wanted, but needed.