
you were all i ever longed for



8 Years
10-30-2016, 12:26 AM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2016, 12:27 AM by Asha.)

Asha was fearless in the face of everything. Dark scary cave? Go right in! Doing something that was both dangerous, stupid, and reckless? No problem! She probably wasn't seen as the brightest of wolves with all the things she had done in her life. One would have thought she'd learned her lesson when her friend had nearly died that day in the river, but Asha couldn't bring herself to change. It was too ingrained in her nature for her to be anything else other than her. She absolutely had to do things that others wouldn't dare do in their own life times. What was the point of living if you didn't live life on the edge and enjoy yourself?

It was why she was plunging into this deep, dark, smelly labyrinth in the first place. She barely noticed the strange dizzying feeling she had in her head or the way she occasionally stumbled some times. She wasn't the most graceful at times so it almost seemed normal (despite the light headed feeling she had.)

She wasn't afraid of the stranger she'd already discovered - she would have been more excited if she actually recognized who it was. She couldn't pick out any defining features of the male except that he was considerably taller than her and had a dark pelt. Both of those things were a pretty normal constant in her life. She was almost always shorter than everyone and plenty of wolves had dark pelts. Even her own was the same way.

The voice that answered her back was gruff and yet the tone was almost familiar. She could smell him now and that had an air of familiarity to it as well and yet it didn't quite ring any bells in her head. Instead her own eyes narrowed as she tried to figure it out, but her brain was pulling a blank. She had no idea who this man was so instead she shrugged and wasn't at all put off by his question.

"Now why would I wanna go and do a thing like that?" She smirked. She probably could have just said no, but that was no fun, was it? "Calling me a stalker?" Now her tone was sarcastic and teasing. Who cared if she didn't know him? The reaction was going to be the fun part.

[Image: Cg2w8lq.png]