
Don't Say I Told You So



8 Years
10-30-2016, 02:46 AM

Well here she was - in a pack again. It was a little strange to be in one after so long. She'd been pretty sure that the west wind pack would be her only home until she died. Of course everything had gone south when she'd gotten kicked out. Any hopes of going back had been dashed when Zephyr had talked to her that night and told her he couldn't do anything to get Caelum to allow her back in. What was worse was that, during that very talk, the pack had been torn apart by another pack. It'd ruined the pack and scattered the survivors while the rest were dead. She'd fled before she could fully see the aftermath.

Now she was here, in Abaven with a fresh start. The only wolf she knew now was Bass and she supposed that's what she had wanted. She'd thrown herself to the first pack she found. She'd wanted to not know anyone. She didn't want to have accusing stares thrown at her and yet there was something about starting fresh that was off putting. Where was she supposed to start? She was so rusty with this.

She wandered around for a bit, hoping to run into someone, but instead almost trod on a snake instead. The soft slithering of scales in the dry grass was the only sign and she managed to stop before she stepped on the thing. She noted that it didn't have a pointed arrow-like head so it wasn't venomous so she grinned to herself and stalked after the creature. her body was low to the ground and she following it along its curvy path. She wasn't sure what she was doing, but it was fun. The snake didn't seem to like her presence too much as it tried to slither away from her as fast as possible, but Asha was fast herself. before she knew it she was nipping at its tail and egging it on. How long until it got mad?

[Image: Cg2w8lq.png]