
You must be out your mind



10 Years
10-30-2016, 03:02 PM
Listening intently to Faite's words, Caelum found the information provided to be quite interesting. While it didn't sound as if the land was currently at the center of much excitement, or at least she'd assumed that such things would have been brought up fairly quickly, it didn't sound like things were half bad here. A flicker of a question would rear its head in her mind and create a momentary sense of tension. It was intertwined with concern about her inability to make quick choices. Realization consumed her mind, asking in venomous tones if she planned to let opportunity knock and then leave. Whether or not she would join a pack had been the question that haunted her for all of this last season. Here before her was a chance to make that choice. Yet something kept her from making this struggle known to the others present. Be it the pride of her previous alphess self or be it cowardice she could not decide. What was clear was that for now she likely had found her answer, whether or not she chose to acknowledge it.

The bit about free will and teaching was certainly piquing her interest, and Cae could see she wasn't the only one. They both would wait though and hear more about the other packs. So at least five total, and of course likely a future one. Good to know. Caelum hoped she could get just a bit more knowledge from this other woman though, it would be nice to know which lands she would need to step carefully around or what areas pack wolves would most likely be found around.

Inverno managed to beat her to starting the questions, starting with a request for further explanation about what Faite desired for the pack and what it meant. Cae's face plainly betrayed her growing interest in the conversation. Her tail thumped against the soft grass with a few gentle wags; excitement and curiosity growing and escaping through her body as she smiled at Faite, "Yes, I'd like to hear just a bit more about it as well. You seem to have something unique in mind," Cae said. She was glad to have someone new to talk to, and even more glad to get to hear more about the land she was living in now.