
Alive In The Lights



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
10-30-2016, 09:44 PM
The woman would discover his presence a lot sooner than he had discovered hers. He cleared his throat when she spoke, "Neither did I..." He mumbled almost quietly. He wasn't sure how to feel about the company quite yet. But he also wasn't sure if he wanted to be alone right now either. He was always indecisive about it. Yes, he preferred solitude...but at the same time he craved company. He couldn't have both though. Besides, how could one be alone and have company? If there was a way, he had yet to discover it.

Blue gaze looked between her and the mouth of the cave, debating on whether or not he should just leave. But as soon as he heard thunder, his fur prickled. He hated the sound of reminded him of the way the rockslide sounded before it trapped his parents. It set his heart hammering against his chest, his veins racing with adrenaline that for some reason made him feel like he might lose control. He never understood this feeling. He just knew that he always dreaded it, often an uncontrollable fear would grip him. Her question almost went unheard as he fought to keep control of himself, his body tensed with each thunderous roar. "Yeah...I guess that's what I'm doing now." A particularly loud boom made him flinch, though he tried as best as he could to hide these things from her. Could she smell the tension and potential sense of dread on him? He needed a distraction...he needed something to keep him in control. "I'm Zell. It' first time around these parts. What about you?" Okay...that was a decent start.

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