
When a man loves a woman


10-30-2016, 11:30 PM

Livi had been moping around the Abaven lands letting her bruises and the few scratches she got from her last spear heal up before she went out looking for another fight. She still couldn't get over that wimp of a man that had accepted her challenge. Who would just quit in the middle of the fight? If she was going to win she wanted to work for it! She huffed grumpily as she walked, her steps still holding a slight limp on her left side. Her shoulder was just a bit sore still and it just made her even more grumpy. Bruises and not even a decent fight to show for it. She ignored the ever present hissing of the snakes that were hidden among the dried grasses as she walked past them. Well, what few that were left that was. She assumed they'd all be hibernating soon.

A high-pitched voice caught her attention and she slowed to a stop as she listened. " him, he's super cute but he's really big! How would that even work?" Of course she was immediately curious at that. Distracted for a moment from her own frustrations, she turned toward the voice and spotted one of Bass' daughters just as the girl got a horrified look on her face and tried to swat at the bird that she seemed to be talking to. Now that she saw the girl the statement that had caught her attention in the first place replayed in her head and it all clicked together like a puzzle. She snorted with laughter and she grinned at the pale girl and her little friend. "Are you having a bit of boy trouble?" She wasn't sure why she was even asking. It wasn't like she knew this girl at all other than just seeing her in passing at pack meetings. It did remind her a bit of talking with her mother and younger sisters about this sort of thing though and it made her strangely nostalgic.
"Talk" "You" Think