
Always in a Good Mood



2 Years
10-31-2016, 09:44 AM

As soon as the boy could open his eyes, he was observant and watchful of his parents and his siblings whenever they were up and about around the den. He seemed to sleep less than the rest, though it was simply because he was reluctant to close his eyes when there was a whole world left out there ready for him to understand. He found himself curious when his parents left, often sitting at the mouth of the den just behind the light that would expose him, his eyes wide and following the birds as they traversed the sky above them. They were so fascinating from a far, though he couldn't quite make out what they might look like up close.. he could not wait to discover how they did!

Today was no different than any other, Cobalt was already awake though calmly laying beside his sisters in silence. He watched with bright blue eyes as his parents stirred and got ready to greet the day, though they hesitated leaving and that is what caught his interest the most. Something was going on, and he was eager to find out what. The youth got onto his feet and looked to Jade who'd let out an excited yip, causing him to become infected with a bit of the excitability from what was happening- a grin spread across the handsome boy's lips as he looked up to his parents and walked through the ray of light that had always been seen as a sort of barrier. It felt odd, as if he'd broken some rule even though he knew mother and father had just given them permission.

At first, the light stung his eyes and caused him to squint.. though he kept walking and slowly they adjusted. The first thing the boy would seek to look at was the sky, searching for any birds on this autumn day. He didn't see any, but what he noticed was the clouds and the rustling branches of the pines as they shivered in the wake of the wind. His grin didn't fade a bit and he looked over to his parents to see if they were still following. He heeded his mother's warning, stay in sight! He would make sure he didn't wander, though his curious mind was back on his surroundings as the boy quickly trotted through the dry autumn grass and felt it tickle his legs and saturate them as his fur stole the morning dew.

[Image: cobysig.png]