
Through pain of heart or loss of mind



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-31-2016, 11:14 AM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2016, 11:15 AM by Epiphron.)
It'd been.. quite awhile since Epiphron had done much. She'd be lying to herself if she pretended otherwise. She didn't care about much, these days, other than her children - and Leo was a fully competent leader and father, which left her with little to fret over. Her life here was simple and quiet, which she appreciated, but it did leave her feeling restless at times. There was a fine line between relaxation and boredom, and she found herself riding that line too often lately.

Today, she found herself wandering. Not too far from home. The hot springs had always been a favorite place of hers; it was a lovely place to relax, and even nap, finding a shallow spot in the warm pools during the colder seasons. She stretched her achy limbs as she made her way there, slowly but certainly, in no real hurry to get there. What else did she have to do today, after all?

It wasn't hard to catch her cousin Leon's scent as she drew nearer. Eager to see him, her pace quickened slightly as she directed herself toward him, nose twitching as she trailed his scent. When she found him, he was doing just what she longed for - wading peacefully in the spring water, and a smile touched her lips. "Great minds think alike," she called out, moving forward to put a single red-furred paw into the water to join him. She had no doubt he would't turn her away. Family, after all, was all they had now. "How are you doing, cousin?"

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