
inhale and hold



6 Years
Extra large

10-31-2016, 11:17 AM

His ears perked with her response, it wasn't something that the man had been expecting though he remained in a calm expression as it was not that big of a surprise, either. Most wolves sought out packs and companionship, it was the way of the wolf- even he found himself missing the feeling of being surrounded by strength and loyalty. He'd just entered the rogue life, however, and he wasn't sure how eager he was to start up another pack without facing the issues that had made him leave in the first place. He had a lot of self improvement to get out of the way before he could even consider, and his thoughts trailed back to how afraid he'd been to spar with Faite. He'd been afraid of hurting her, though now that his sister was in his company again and he'd gone through so many days of doing well.. he thought perhaps now would be a good time to work on what he'd come out here to cure, especially now as she mentioned training.

"To be a part of a pack that strives for success across generations is a great purpose to have, but lacks personal glories. Glory in strength and accomplishment helps both yourself and the pack, so training might be a good start." He would cant his head slightly, strong features of his chiseled face pulling together to make for a look of near confusion and curiosity, "How is it that you plan on training, Reina? You wouldn't happen to need a sparring partner, would you?" A small smirk curled the corner of the lips closest to her before he relaxed his face, waiting calmly for her answer despite the fluttering feeling of nervousness within his stomach. If she said yes, could he keep control over his anger?

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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