
turned him to gold

Oleander I


4 Years
10-31-2016, 02:48 PM

Oleander's ears perked towards her when she said that they were strange her, something that caught his interest. Was she not from this area either? In his travels he had met a lot of wolves who were new to this land, and an equal amount who were born here. The hustle and bustle of this continent were something that he was not used to, at home hardly anyone traveled around except those who lived their lives as traders. But here, there seemed to be wolves from all sorts of different walks of live. It was a diversity that he had never seen before, and honestly it excited the splotched man. How many personalities and histories clashed here? How many were seeking a new home, and how many were running from their past? They were questions that he would never have answers too, but he thought of them nonetheless. His tail swung behind him as he chewed over her words, wondering if it would be rude to ask where she had hailed from. Was it something that was brought up in normal conversations? He wasn't sure, and Cedar was usually his translator for that type of thing, but the smaller canine had taken his leave. Glancing over briefly to where his brother had swam off to the main land, he thought about calling him back. It took a lot to refrain himself, but the jackal didn't leave his side without good reason. This Fortune must have really pissed him off, a thought that made him smile slightly to himself. What a touchy creature he was, always jumping to conclusions and running off when the going got tough. Oh well, he was on his own for this one. Deciding that it would be rude to ask of her back story, he remained silent.

When the damsel asked to learn how to say the word he offered, he turned back to her with a large smile on his maw. He loved teaching others about Latin, it was a language that he had yet to hear here. He missed speaking it, but only him and Cedar could converse in their mother tongue. Dipping his head, he paused so that he was able to iterate the word with more skill than if he was walking. Tossing all his focus into it, he sounded out the word with as little speed as possible without becoming offensive. Conversations were touchy things, and there were a lot of rules he had to constantly remind himself of. ", columba," Latin had very few harsh exaggeration of vowels, the only stranger thing was that the 'ba' went up at the end like a question, although it was not as harsh. A slight rise in pitch was all that was needed to say 'dove' the proper way.

She asked him if he was skilled in bird hunting, and his grin faltered slightly. Ollie wasn't too good at anything that didn't involve plants, so he slowly shook his head back and forth. It was embarrassing to admit, but Cedar was the one who was far more skilled in hunting than he was. Without the jackal at his side, he was sure that he would have starved already. Rabbits and rodents were just about all he could hunt down on his own, birds were a prey item that he had never even thought of trying. Although, when crows and songbirds tried to get at his seeds and plants he wanted to bite into their feathery bodies, but that was Cedar's job. His ears twisted backwards ever so slightly, wondering if the woman would think him a fool for being so unskilled.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.