
You must be out your mind



6 Years

11-01-2016, 04:23 PM

Faite was starting to feel a little weird about being the spotlight of attention. Typically it was she who was asking all the questions and it felt a little weird being the one to give answers for once. She didn't shy away from it however and just felt guilty instead. Was she answering their questions to her fullest ability? Judging by the interested looks it seemed like she'd at least captured their attention for the time being. Even if they weren't interested in joining she felt pleased enough that there were at least wolves interested in her idea. Maybe she'd have some luck building her own pack in the near future?

She hadn't realized that free will was going to end up being a question. She was a bit puzzled by it before she realized she'd end up having to explain it. "I want to promote every wolf being able to pursue their goals. I've seen some wolves crumble under the weight of having responsibilities in the pack and I don't want it to feel like a burden. I wanna make sure everyone does what they want to do in life, within reason, so they can live to the fullest capabilities. Of course I'd still expect everyone to pull their own weight, but if someone wanted to go off on a short adventure to go explore I definitely wouldn't stop them."

She smiled as she thought of it. Her sisters, Baine and Zuriel, especially came to mind when she said this. Baine had hardly been anywhere and had hardly shown that she knew what to do with her own rank. Then there was Zuriel who had already left to go off on her own adventures for the first time in her life. She'd left the pack to do so and Faite felt a little bad about it. She herself had no qualms about leaving when she desired so long as things were going smoothly back home. It was too ingrained into herself to go out and have fun. She wanted others to enjoy their life as well - if that's what they wanted at least.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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