
That Girl



06-20-2013, 01:27 PM
Someone like her? She nearly laughed, but instead bit the sound back, meeting his curious gaze with an amused one of her own. It was nice, to be able to talk to a stranger, be curious about them and have them share the same interest. He was polite, but not to the point of it being hard to keep a conversation going - he was pleasant, and the young alpha was glad that she ran into him.

She wasn't too surprised that he was related to the King, as well as Gideon. The woman knew little about their family as a whole, it could take up half of Alacritia and she would be none the wiser. Listening to him speak of his family though, she was surprised at how sincere he was at his pride in his leading cousin. There didn't seem to be a hint of jealousy in his statements, he seemed to be good family. "Gerhardt sounds like an impressive King, it's a shame I've had yet to meet him." As for his words about Gideon, her ears twitched at his name, but her expression remained calm, the same natural appearance that she had worn thus far.

He wouldn't start chasing until he cut things off with her. She was sure of it.

Her spirits couldn't help but start a slow decline from there. She still wasn't sure how to handle the relationship possibly lost with Gideon. The woman still loved him, but she didn't know how to approach him after nearly betraying him. "Yes, the prince is to marry princess Epiphron. They will make a lovely couple." She was pleased though, with how this turned out - all thanks to her sister's quick thinking back at the meeting. "It may be politics, but I believe they suit eachother. They will be happy" She was sure of it, actually.

"Happiness? Well, what makes you happy sir?" She asked, curious. Perhaps his lulling accent would quell the churning in her stomach by distracting her from thoughts of Gideon James. It was then that she realized she still didn't know this brute's name, it would have been considered rude, had she met him at her borders or they been talking about something serious. But this was just a bit of gossip and curiosity between two acquaintances. They would trade their names soon enough she was sure.