
Step Lightly


06-20-2013, 02:22 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2013, 02:35 AM by Yin.)

It was over now. The fight had felt like it had been something that had lasted for an eternity, but she was sure it had only lasted several minutes at that. She would admit that the creature was a top predator, that was hard to deny, but then so was she and so was Hansel. Two top predators against one. It was easy to see why they had come out victorious in the end. Team-work was always a good way to go. She would know from personal experience. Mismatched gems flickered over to Hansel's silver bloodied figure as he asked what they were supposed to do now. We could head back up the beach. I think there might be some freshwater ponds that we could soak our wounds in if you'd like. Or we could simply wander away from here. There has to be water close by that doesn't have salt in it.

She couldn't feel how badly she was injured in her right shoulder, except for the light throbbing, but she was sure it was bad. That thing had claws sharper than anything she had ever encountered and her thick pelt had offered little resistance against them. The ivory she-wolf padded after her companion, blood pooling from her limb to make a trail among the obsidian sand as she came up beside him, just in time to hear him mention that the creature they had killed had been the one that had separated him from his sister. I'm sure your sister is alive and looking for you just as you are looking for her. If she's related to you, then she is most definitely alive. She pressed her side against him in the familiar sibling gesture, reaching out to swipe at his closest injury, trying to comfort him. Because as much as she had enjoyed taking the life of the beast, a part of her was shaken. She could have died had Hansel not taken the risk in attacking the animal. She was alive because of him...

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