
The Next Color



7 Years
11-02-2016, 01:00 AM

Ama tisked her tongue when the little girl said that she wasn't strong yet. "I bet you are plenty strong and you just don't know it yet," she said softly. She seemed timid, but she didn't doubt that there was a clever little mind under all of that mistrust. It was so strange to see that ingrained in someone her age, usually there was an outward influence that made a child that way. Her dark blue eyes squinted ever so slightly, but it was a small movement that would not be noticed outwardly. But her mood changed drastically when she mentioned speaking to her father, making the usual large smile spread across her face. "Of course I would, I care about this pack very much and everyone in it," she said something about looking at things that weren't there, and the tiny healer wondered if there was something a bit mentally unsound about him. That certainly wasn't healthy behavior. She knew how hard it was to have pups for the first time, but she hadn't a clue if this was his first litter or not. Would it be rude of her to ask such a thing? Her tiny rabbit tail wagged behind her as she thought, her shoulders flexing slightly to keep the stiffness at bay.

Stretching out the toes on her front paws, she studied the girl before her with a more simple smile on her lips. "Now Gentle Night, have you thought at all about what you wanna do when you get bigger? There are so many things to learn and explore, but has anything caught your interest at all?" She wasn't quite sure if her parents had even started to introduce lessons on anything yet, but there was no harm in asking! Plus, if she wanted to learn about healing she could show her around right now! After all, it would only be fair, and it gave her something to keep her mind off of her own mother. Suppressing the guilt that boiled within her wasn't the healthiest thing to do, but she did it regardless. A good long chat was something she really needed, but this darling puppy was a good thing to occupy her mind with.

Art by Sin