
Even so, come



7 Years
11-02-2016, 01:51 AM

When he looked at the fish she almost doubled over laughing. It wasn't hard to tell at all that they way to this boy's heart was food. Even just a little slimy fish did the trick! Her boys weren't the biggest of eaters, and the girls had been even pickier. It was refreshing to see someone so excited by something so simple, and it really brought a whole new perspective to her life. Amalia had spent so much time worrying over the little things in her life that she often forgot to stop and appreciate the way things were. The simple satisfaction of a good meal, the way Athena twitched in her dreams sometimes, and even the way the wind rustled through the mangroves. She was often to taken by her work and teaching others, that she didn't often step back to admire all those things around her. She should take a lesson from this studious child, when she got home she was just going to curl up beside her family and listen to the steady rhythm of nature around her. It was... odd that she was picking up so much from so little, but Amalia had been thinking on a lot of things lately; the flow of time was the biggest thing haunting her dreams. It was another factor to why she had come all the way up here to the north, to take a break and check in on the boy she had healed. It felt so long ago since their first meeting, but from their comfortable greeting one would have thought it was yesterday.

She watched as he took a small lick from the prey she had brought him, and Ama couldn't help but giggle softly. "Well, eat it before it freezes!" she said with another peel of laughter following. It would be such a shame for it to grow as hard as a rock from the chilly air, frozen fish wasn't exactly the easiest thing to eat. Although, it did feel good for teething pups! She would have to remember to freeze some this winter for Quelt and Bright Moons children, it was a good snack and felt nice to gnaw on. It wasn't usually as harsh as a bone and with a ton of vitamins in it. Shaking her head to clear the thoughts when the gray boy spoke again, she was really touched by his words that left his maw. Her heart stuttered in her chest and she nearly melted into a pile of Ama goo right on his big furry paws. "That is... so sweet Vadim. But I don't think you have me to thank for that. Your family always had it in you, if it took a conversation as simple as that to awaken your connection. It just needed a bit of a shove, or perhaps a realization from all of you. You can't choose your family, but you can choose to love them and choose to show respect to those who share your blood. So don't thank me, really. You had it in you all along, you just needed to see it," she said softly, a tender smile on her lips. It made her sad to see his brows draw in like that when he spoke of a brother named Greed, and she reared up to stretch a tiny paw to rest it on his wrinkled features. Her paw pads were probably cold, but she didn't think he could feel it through all his fur. "Greed will see it in time, Vadim. All you can do is show him love and support and wait for him to come into his own. You kids are young yet, I know you probably don't like hearing that but it's true. You have so much more to learn about yourself down the years, and soon your brother will realize his mistake. Through thick and thin, family is the only thing that will always be there for you. Trust me, I regret it so much that I didn't interact with my siblings more, and now they are all gone. I have no idea what happened to them, and now I miss them more than I can explain. Don't let that happen to you," Amalia's features were pulled down as her emotions got the best of her, a little sniffle making her wrinkle her nose. More of that time stuff she was talking about. It was so hard for her to realize it when she was little, and she had a feeling that if she was told how quickly time moved she would just shrug it off. The pale healer hoped that Vadim saw how serious she was being, the regret that lingered in her deep blue eyes and the guilt that twisted her insides. It was something she could never get back, only ache over its loss.

Art by Sin