
Alive In The Lights



6 Years

11-03-2016, 10:13 PM

For a moment there Faite actually had the strange sensation that she'd upset him somehow. She glanced up at his face, looking for some sort of reaction to her answer, and she could have sworn his face became less friendly for a moment. As soon as she'd actually thought about it his jaw wasn't clenched and she was left wondering if she'd imagined seeing his face change at all. Either way she didn't think much of it after that. Instead she shifted nervously. Her fear wasn't something physical at all like his was. Would he think it was stupid?

To her surprise he mentioned that it made two of them and she nodded absentmindedly. She made the attempt to try and picture it from his stand point, but she was failing miserably from the lack of knowledge about him. He'd left his old pack - was he lonely because of that or had he left because he was lonely. It gave her something different to think about other than herself pressed up against him as he talked. She hadn't bothered moving since he'd calmed down. Her mind felt slightly foggy as her brain once against flitted towards how warm he felt against her own short pelt. She was so deep in thought she had almost missed his question.


She didn't expect his question (as she could clearly figure out what he'd been hinting at) so it took a minute to register. Had he asked her when she wasn't distracted by her own rampaging hormones she would have been appalled and the situation might not have gone as well as he'd hoped. Her temper most certainly would have flared, as it was testy if you pressed the right buttons, but this was not the case. Every nerve in her body screamed at her to go with her more primal instincts and overall she found it difficult to think clearly.

It didn't take long for the primordial instincts to win out the argument going on in her brain. In the end she nodded softly, trying not to think too much, as she got to her feet. She let instinct take over as she nipped lightly at a soft spot right behind his left ear. It was an inviting sort of nip, nothing done out of malice, as she tried to coerce the situation along into something that would both get his mind off of the storm and take care of the hormonal needs she'd succumbed to.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]