
Cause we're worth it

Mercy I


5 Years

11-05-2016, 02:27 AM

With a grin she flopped down on the earth, her legs unable to hold her up any longer. They quivered below her as she shifted to rest on her hip, glancing back at Gethin wit half lidded eyes. She hardly heard what he was saying at all, but was paying enough attention to hear the pitch in his voice rise into a question. Sure, whatever. Nodding her head, she rested it on her paws and closed her purple eyes. Before he even left she was out, a soft snore vibrating out of her nose. She was beyond the point of exhaustion, making her slumber void of any dreams of any kinds. It was just a comfortable blackness to wrap her up in it's embrace.

In too short of a time she heard him speaking, a groan slipping out of her jaws as she rolled over. Five more minutes, that's all she wanted! That was, until the smell of fresh prey hit her nose. Raising her head, she peeked open one eye to look at the rabbit that he had caught for her. Not trusting her legs, she extended her front paw and wrapped it around it, pulling it closer to her while glancing up at the gray male with hazy vision. Blinking at him, it didn't take too long for her to give into her hunger and she quickly devoured the rabbit. Licking her chops and feeling slightly rejuvenated, the dame stretched out her legs as a yawn split open her maw. Snapping it shut quickly after, she kicked over onto her back to peek at the man beside her with a cheeky look on her face. "Thanks doll face," she murmured, laughing slightly at the nickname she tossed at him. Extending her legs all the way up, every part of her shook as the pull of her muscles burned with an almost pleasing feeling. Grunting, she flipped back to her belly as her tail brushed slowly across the ground. She didn't hear anything about herbs, but she wasn't too concerned. She hadn't been able to do much damage control before passing the fuck out, so she twisted her neck to try and inspect herself. "You made it worse, didn't you?" Mercy asked with a purr, tossing that cheeky look at him again.


Art by Otackoon

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.