
This One's For Our Sins



4 Years
Extra large
11-05-2016, 09:24 AM

Karabela's senses were sharp, her fur standing on end as she slunk forward. She heard rustling, the struggling motions of something big, something very big. Her ears flicked forward as she noticed a pair of large horns and a sudden bellow. Spirits above! Could it be? Fear was swept away by excitement and Karabela approached the entangled creature with a grin on her face. What luck! Here she was on her way to scout out some buffalo when she should find herself a bison that had gotten hopelessly caught in the forest. She circled the beast, sizing it up. Bah! There was a chance she could take it herself but it would almost certainly mean getting injured in the process. What could would it be to take out the bison and then be unable to take it anywhere? She knew Dag was scouting in the area as well but she worried that if she called it would take to long for the other to arrive if she heard her at all. Rats!

Karabela was pacing when she heard the approach of another creature moving through the leaf litter, she turned to see a green-eyed man. She cocked her head to the side. "Oh? I was kind of hoping the Souless Forest would stay soul less." She giggled at her own little word play as the man introduced himself as Liar Walker. Liar? Lyre? She wondered for a moment at the spelling if any parent would so outright name their child a Liar. Well either way. "Karabela Thyre, nice to meet you. Say you wouldn't be interested in helping me with this bison would you? I'm a fair woman, I'm willing to split it with you. Or you can take whatever you can carry and I'll summon some of my scouts and warriors to take care of the rest."


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king