
I was sure I saw you

Marina I


7 Years
11-05-2016, 02:31 PM

His words comforted her, as did his touch. Marina felt her heart give a little flutter. He loved children… he loved babus just like she did. She’d feel better about the opinions of his other children once she met them she was sure. Marina didn’t doubt that if she bore him little ones they’d be the last. Other women were sure to come, possibly even go later on… but Marina had no mind to necessarily leave. Her feelings about Liar were complex… but she didn’t want to be alone. So long as he showed her such affection she would be with him. Sure she might meet others, but right now she viewed the male very highly. Unlike Shiranui and Nako he was staying with her after the mating process more fully it seemed. Perhaps there was hope.

Marina closed her eyes, keeping her body rested against Liar’s own. He was so warm, his very presence feeling like a protective shield. “As I began to tell you before, everything began when I was but a child…” Marina shook slightly, her mind digging back for those memories. “My childhood alone was marked for chaos. My colors… they were viewed as a bane. My parents, had I not been considered a twin, a child born in a set of two, would have likely had to kill me. But twins were a blessing in our religion… and so thus I stayed with them and my brother.”

Marina let out a soft sigh.

“The wolves from the Dragon Fang’s range came… they were cannibals… they killed my parents and I was forced to run. I wasn’t even a year old… and I thought for sure they killed my brother as well.” The she wolf shivered again. “I met a slightly older brute later on… a man who taught me about revenge and lust… His name was Shiranui Falkenrath… I… I suppose in some ways he helped encourage me down my chosen path… but really… it was the revenge I desired in my own heart that lead me to the killer I became.” Marina paused.

“I found them all later… after I’d grown older… stronger. I slew as many of the pack as I could. Young… old… I didn’t care back then. I… I can still hear their screams.” Marina opened her eyes, looking upon Liar. “That was just the start… I… I did bear a child to Shiranui… A boy. But I had left him behind on my revenge hunt. That was all I cared about…” She lowered her gaze, feeling ashamed.

“My mind is not right. I can feel it fight with itself… but… there is more to this tale… They broke me, those cannibals… they took my world. I took theirs in revenge.” The femme whined softly.

“I met others here… first a man who I viewed as alright… I considered him almost a partner.. but nothing came of it before he disappeared. I then met Nako… who helped ease my pain for a time. I gave birth to three little girls and adopted a boy…but…” She paused, unsure if he’d say anything before she continued.

“I eventually lost Nako too. We were not too close… though he respected the fact I bore his children. In time though he disappeared… and I was left with the young ones. Sure I met up with my brother again for a time… but he too disappeared again. Then I tried to take control of a pack, and for a time I succeeded but then…” Marina sighed heavily once more. “I cracked under the pressure. I lost it all again… and now I don’t know if my other children want to see me again… though I know my sweet little Kait is no longer the same.” Marina gazed at the doe before her, feeling guilt stir in her gut.

“I’m scared to face the other three, Liar…” Maria confessed. “What if they hate me?” Her words were a whimper as she turned towards him again. “I can not bear that thought… the thought that the little ones I’ve loved might hate me… That I’ve failed them…” But in truth she knew she already had failed them.

"Listen to me talk,"'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]