
Step Lightly


06-20-2013, 03:35 PM
Hansel stopped and listened to Yin's voice. Compared to before, it had no trace of the hostility she had previously greeted him with. He shook his powerful and tired body, sending more water spraying around him along with sand that had collected on his body. Most of his fur, however, was now plastered to his body with muddy sand. Frowning, he realized he looked more like a street cur then a wolf. "Alright then, let's get out of here. Who knows if that thing has a mate. If it does, it may try to find it and then find us. Seeing as how our scent is all over the place." Hansel had just about decided to begin moving until Yin had approached and began licking him. The ivory dames cool tongue felt nice against his throbbing injuries, comforting even. This was a new approach from her as well, something that he wouldn't question now for fear of her snapping at him. And that was something he was just too exhausted to be sarcastic or hot headed with.

The ghostly man sighed softly. This was what his sister did to calm him when he was hurting, either from physical wounds or when he was rejected by a girlfriend. He returned the favor by licking Yin's shoulder wound carefully. The more debris he cleared away, the more he saw how bad it would be. Brows furrowed, he found himself becoming worried. "We should start moving, your wound doesn't look too good. And I don't know anything about herbs so...if someone dropped because of these injuries, I wouldn't know what to do. What about your brother? Where is he?" He shook his head, the wind picking up again and blowing against them. He felt like he was starting to chill, and after having gone for an unexpected swim, he was soaked to the bone...he wondered if Yin felt just as bad as he did. And if so, then he'd start a path back towards shelter to find others who could possibly help. With his lack of knowledge with herbs and other remedies, one or both of them would be bound to get sick or infection. His muzzle would had already been festering, and the entire time it stung. But he wouldn't complain, no matter how bad it got.

Hansel was only grateful that he and the woman had gotten out of that battle alive. Seldom was that the kind of battle one could get out of without being fatally injured or worse. He had never fought something like that before, yet he got out alive. They BOTH did. This would be a story to tell to his kids, if he ever had any. And to his sister and other strangers. Gretel would be proud of his accomplishment. Especially at working with another being that he hardly knew. A smile came upon his lips. A sheepish and embarrassed smile more like. The pair had conquered a battle with, what he assumed to be, one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. And lived to tell the story.