
The Page Before A Story {Joining}


06-20-2013, 03:38 PM

He enjoyed the cold, loved it even, but that same pleasure did not apply to the frosty powder that it so often accompanied. Its sickeningly angelic touch poisoned the trees and sent a great majority of his fury little playthings into hiding. The dastardly cleanliness masked the sweet aromas of death and decay that were often found in the breath of the forest. Indeed, Verrϋckt had never been one for the snow, and he had formed quite a repugnance towards it's foul hands. The chilled precipitation never failed to shove at his mood, but one could hardly tell such a thing. Body skittered and voice trilled, just as spiritedly as ever. The little brute was forming a hum within his throat just as his company decided to reveal themselves.

Thin lips rippled back into a toothy grin as the barbarian arose from the shadows, where she seemed to have been observing his game. Something had struck her fancy, for she laughed before either of the two had dealt the armies of speech. This only made the grin lengthen across Verrϋckts' muzzle, threatning to crack his skull in two. "A little spy I see. Yes, yes, dear shadow lurker." She was large for a she-wolf, even mistakable for a brute upon first glance. Her size was not the sole factor that laid claim to his attention however, for the subtle violet of her pelt was an anomaly he could not ignore. Utterly fascinated, he pushed himself from his haunches and swerved his way towards the stranger, twirling around her with a dangerous air of confidence. He found her eyes to be the treasures of his studies, as they were incredibly alluring to the young male. They housed the same peculiar hue that toyed with her pelt, but lacked the dulling plague of gray. A coo of wonder slithered from the goblins maw. The enticing shade reminded him of the purple shimmers on a beetles armor. "Careful now. You have beetles in your eyes, creepy crawlies in your brain will make you go horribly insane!" He squealed with amusement before tittering back to his dirt bed.

Finally acknowledging the violet hued woman's words, he let loose an amused rapture. "Shadows, shadows, ohh the shadows. Good friends, them and I. Could they whisk me, beetle-eyes, whisk away to a hellish neverland a poor and lonely fiend?" Another bout of his repetitive giggling arose then, his meager body squirming with psychotic glee. His gaze burrowed through the air, down to his bloodstained paws. He examined the drying crimson essence upon himself before snaking his glare out across the similarly marked snow. After a moment he jerked his head and resumed his mindless chatter. "Indeed, indeed, much fun was my toy, but fresh life is inevitably funner. Pretty paintings, see? What a marvelous color, so dark and so red, red, red. We painted good art, don't you think?" His voice tickled the edges of song, dripping with its childish tunes.

"Speech!" - Thought

Word Count: 495

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