
I was sure I saw you



6 Years
11-05-2016, 04:00 PM

there were no cracks to grasp or gaps to claw
The man was keen on listening to her. Taking in all the information he could, green eyes gleaming as they locked on the woman. Of course in his head he had loved and left - but there was more too that. Emotions weighed on him just as the instincts of a dragon clawed at his walls. The symbol of a demon in his culture and religion had stalked him from the very start. As the son of one of the original walkers, there was history behind his head many could not even fathom. After she was done though, Liar fell silent for a few more moments. Her fears sinking into his head as he shut his eyes and looked out towards the colorful pools of water in front of them. Swarming in all sorts of different colors.

"As a mother it's not going to change for you to love your children no matter what. I once felt the fear of my children hating me - but Marina.... think of it this way. They are their own wolves now, adults in a scary and demeaning world. There is torture and there is darkness. Would you rather they think for themselves and HAVE the option of hating you - or take away their freedom of choice and have them be under your wing forever?" maybe this was not what she wanted to hear but this was what he believed. "Mental illness runs within my family as well, among my father - I myself have felt the tug of darkness many times. It's there but remember, your illness does not control you even if you have it. You work through it, fight it as much as you can. Only then will you see who stays by your side and is really your friends, family and lovers." he was a wise man at times, well he would like to think so as he gently pressed his head into the side of her neck. "I have a child by the name of Greed - he's from the same litter as my current ones. He's fiesty and takes after my father - and while my father was a bastardly man who pillaged and destroyed, no matter if Greed one day came to kill me or fight me for his own reasons. I will still look at him as my child - proud till the end that he took on the path that he wanted rather than what someone else. Had created for him." he smiled towards Marina.

"You've had a harsh past Marina and I'm glad you feel enough to share it with me. Perhaps then you should hear mine if you wish to listen." if she didn't hate him too much after what he had said. Shifting slightly he tried to think for a moment giving off a soft sigh.

"I have no memories of before I was five months old. My father Zero a huge golliath of an albino man took me away from my mother. It's a little hazy but I think he killed her and stole me. He was not a nice man - he beat me into not feeling. If I cried he'd break my bones, if I felt anything for anyone I would starve. Slowly I started not to feel anything at all, my emotions were tied away and my demon within me helped me through those years. A instinct of sort, maybe a voice but not exactly.... it was me." Liar stated. "That was when I met August. A slave only a year old maybe that my father had caught. He was... deformed in a way we called him an experiment and my father felt nothing for me after that. He spent too much of his time trying to kill the other walkers using August and me to accomplish that task." He shook his head mildly. "August was a spy, in the family of Arrow walker and her friends. I started to become more conscious of what my father was doing - what deeds he was committing. But... the dragon within me snapped and I raped one of Arrow's friends. She gave birth to two of my children - but I merely knew their name not them. My father as a so called reward gave a slave wife to me. My first true love Kels. Arrow soon murdered my father - and I was free. I live with Kels and she became pregnant. August remained with us for a short time, switching between being with Arrow to hanging out with us. I ran into Arrow's husband his name was Ren, and that was the first time in forever that I had actually felt normal. Kels gave birth to a beautiful son.... but it didn't last." Liar would shiver at the memory, growling lightly. "A earthquake shook our lands - tree's collapsed as did cracks open. It was the worst thing imaginable. We called it... the collapse. Kels an my son they died I watched the earth take them and I broke down I thought I was going to die I felt so bad. I curled into a ball crying for hours afterwards. Not wanting anyone to be around me. But August - he helped me create a kingdom. I was king again and at first I played the slave game. I kidnapped Arrow from her husband. She bore me a son - but he was raised by her husbands ex mate so neither of us knew Quezar well. August then died - my best friend Arrow killed him under orders of a higher up. When he died I didn't know what to think of myself. I went on rampages - I had a son named Mox walker but he soon vanished and I didn't even know the name of his mother. I gained control once more.... when I again took my kingdom back and married Nice.... Nice Walker. She and her siblings stayed with me. We had a family, she gave birth to a daughter. Quezar soon came back though, he kicked my ass and took over my kingdom. Not much changed though, me and Nice left for these lands.... sadly we were separated and nice and my young daughter were slaughtered by a bear. I was unable to protect them. I poured my sadness into a woman called Abelinda - I truly did feel something for her though. They are Ash, Greed, Ramsay and Vadim's mother. There was also Amara my daughter she took everywhere with her. We lived in ivalice for a time - and then she vanished. Which finally I decided I wanted a kingdom again I wanted that feeling of family. That feeling of a friendly battle among family - even when quezar took my kingdom I felt proud. So I am a man who takes what I want - and you were one of them. My brain works awkwardly some things happen suddenly. My anger is not a good thing to see..... but over all that is the past that made me.... me." Liar would take a deep breath and then look to Marina.


This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.