
Me Amour


06-20-2013, 03:58 PM

Day 31. The gestation period of a wolf is an average of 61 to 63. They had been in Glaciem for roughly three weeks. She had already been experiencing her morning sickness. Soleil knew the signs. Her sleep cycle was thrown off, perhaps from being pregnant or perhaps from moving half way across Alacritia, either way she getting up extra early which meant that she would slink away to get sick away from Collision.

So she had been fairly sneaky (figuratively, she would never hide anything from her mate) in her pregnancy this time around. Half way through the game and she was beginning to show. Unlike last time, she was not constantly hungry, though her appetite had thus increased slightly. Her weight gain had been slowly and for a while she had honestly thought that nothing was to come of that night, three days before leaving Valhalla.

Now that the female was clearly putting on weight, her stomach growing rounder, she felt content to call out to her love. Let him come and rejoice in this. Aside from sleeping, she had gotten little close up time with Collision. Training the upcoming healers was a job she took very seriously, committing to it as passionately as she did anything.

Nose tipped skyward as she howled, calling as calmly as possible, careful to hide her happiness. She wanted to surprise Collision and she knew no matter what sound she called out, he would come to her. It was possible others would come too, but let them come. She was not shy to announce her happiness to anyone.

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