
Can't Say You Won't {MEETING}

Merlin I


3 Years
11-06-2016, 01:53 PM
"Yesssss," Merlin crowed, doing a little 'I'm the first one here nyaa nyaa' dance in place with his front paws, but he was immediately distracted with the arrival of the others in the pack. He returned Finch's caress happily, pressing his cheek back against her with an exuberance that could very well have knocked her over if he hadn't gotten distracted partway through by a stranger (Renhett) stopping to say hello. "Hi!" he chirped cheerfully in return, and - in true Merlin fashion - bounced over to try to pull the stranger into a hug. "Welcome to Abaven! I'm Merlin!"

He gave similar treatment to both Piper and Lark as they came up to join him, swiping a slobbery tongue over Piper's face in addition, and grinned at her. "That would be fun! We could make snow wolves all the time! Oh hey who's that?" And with that he was bouncing away to investigate the next stranger who appeared (Liviana) and not at all off put by her quiet state as he skidded to a halt in front of her. "Hi! We haven't met! What's your - " but he'd been distracted again as Sparrow, who was more often than not absent, chose to appear. Ignoring the other newcomers, Merlin happily sought to pounce on his older, smaller sister. "Sparrow! You're back!" He was blithely ignorant of her discomfort or angst, instead attempting to chew playfully on her dark brown ears with wet, drooling jaws. "Where've you been? Did you do anything interesting? Was it fun? Can I come with you next time?"

But Bass was starting the meeting so as much as Merlin found it difficult to sit still and be Super Serious Pack Meeting Wolf, he quieted down. He did prick up his ears when Bass started by talking about mentors not training their apprentices - hey yeah, he'd been the one to bring that up! Cool, his talk with Dad had made it to the meeting! He grinned a wide grin, his tongue hanging goofily out the side of his mouth, until Bass informed the pack that he, Bass, alpha-dad, would be Merlin's mentor, at which point the exuberant young male leaped to his feet with a whoop of delight before recalling that he was interrupting an important meeting. "Whoops, sorry Dad." He flopped back down again, this time attempting to flop himself on Lark as he listened. Merlin's head popped up again as Bass introduced some new members and he swiveled to pick them out of the group, but he couldn't say hi without interrupting again so he forcibly restrained himself from opening his muzzle for a greeting. But as his dad spoke of going hunting off pack lands, he couldn't stop himself. "Oh! Me! I'll help!" His tongue lolled happily. The news of a possible tournament made his mouth into an 'o' of surprise. Oooooo that sounded like a LOT of excitement.