
Your Destruction


06-20-2013, 04:21 PM
Name: My name is Nixxi
Design: Nothing different.
Gender: I'm a female.
Oh no, I HATE telling you about my personality, since it takes away time from explaining my looks. I bet this is the reason no wolf likes me. Well, I guess I am a LITTLE prissy, but not like those other cats. I mean, they always talk about their sleek fur, and pretty eyes. Don't they ever think that's a little, well, STUPID? Well, I might have an alternate, more tomboyish personality, and you might meet her right now... Wait, who are you and why am I here, telling you about whatever it was that prissy wolf was talking about? Well, I'm Dark, and I think you'll like me more than that prissy wolf who you were talking to. I am more of a tomboyish kit, as she MIGHT have told you. I don't even know who I'm talking about, to tell the truth.
RP sample with said character:
The river flowed gently as Nixxi slid down, sleek fur bristling. A quick shake of her head made her alternate personality come out. "Having fun, Nixxi?" Dark's voice growled, just before Nixxi shook her head. "No. Get out, Dark! I don't like you!" She screeched, making the fish swim away. There was another jerk of her head, and a low growl from inside her throat. "Real nice, Nixxi. Making everyone starve." Dark's voice was dripping with sarcasm. "SHUT UP, DARK!" Nixxi howled, shaking her head once again. Suddenly, she jerked her head up to the stars. "Mother, why?" She howled, ignoring the grumbling inside her. She lowered her head and looked at the river. She stared at it until she slid into an uneasy sleep.
How your character could enhance plot lines: Make them more interesting.
How active can you be with him/her: I could be on every day.