



5 Years
11-06-2016, 10:30 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2016, 02:59 PM by Caliber.)
Out-of-Character Name: Bird
Age: 25

Character's Name: Caliber
Character Age: 2 years
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 38" (unless Millie wants a refund - in which case I will update him to 36")
Build: Medium
Reference: [ LINK ]
Appearance Description:
[ 38 inches - 165 pounds ] Caliber may be tall, but he is not the tallest. As such, his appearance would not strike much intimidation in others. He is taller than most of his species, boasting a subtle 38 inches at the shoulder. This height was gifted to him through the lines of the Armistice family, passed down by his ancestors. Given a healthy weight of 165 pounds, he holds an athletic build. His body is a proportionate wonder, crafted to near perfection as a mortal can get. Gracefully slender legs provide a means of portage for a large torso and an open - though not overly broad - chest. Lean muscle sheathes tightly around his bones, showing more tone around his limbs. Caliber's physique leans neither towards strength nor speed, but rather floats somewhere in the middle; giving Caliber equal strengths an features in both.

[ Monochrome - Fluffy coat ] To begin, Caliber sports a predominantly dark gray coat. A black saddle marking, and trimmings of black around his extremities, gives his coat depth and a unique appearance. A lighter grey can be found on his sides, cheeks, and legs. From his throat to his belly and on his front legs, there is an even lighter gray that brightens his pelt up a bit.

[ Heterochromia - Green & White eyes ] This boy was heaped with gifts from his ancestry, this one comes in the rather unusual form of heterochromia - meaning he has two different eye colors. His left eye is a beautiful and rare diamond, shining a brilliant white out of an otherwise dark face. There are small slivers of silver and stormy gray to give the color depth and an almost sparkling effect. The right eye is a wonderful, yet startling, shade of green. Like the new leaves on a spring tree, Caliber's right eye is a spectacle to rival that of his left eye. Woven into the varying shades of green in his gaze one can find a deep, oceanic blue. This makes his right eye look like opals in the right light.

Skills: Fighting & Hunting

Proof of Purchases:
- Purchase of x2 height: [ LINK ] (purchase made by Millie - contact made but not returned as to whether he keeps it or not)
Caliber can be extremely grumpy at times and has been known to kill when he is pushed too far. Please use caution when threading with him!