
The Sound Of Starting Over [Meeting]



2 Years
11-07-2016, 11:13 AM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2016, 11:14 AM by Jade.)
Brr, it was cold! Jade's gaze was fixated on the snow as she padded through it, watching it crunch and move beneath her slender paws. It was only recently that she and her siblings had been given the freedom to come and go as they pleased - only sort of, but the freedom felt limitless to here. They couldn't go very far from the den and they certainly couldn't even start to think about leaving home, and Jade was too young to even consider wandering too far from her family now. But, that didn't stop her from wandering somewhat aimlessly through the array of pine trees, which look like they'd been tipped upside down and dipped into the snow. A giggle left the child's lips as she found herself slipping on a patch of ice, covered cleverly by snow.

Only when she heard a very official-sounding call did her attention drift from her current interest. Instinctively she knew to answer, even though it wasn't mom or dad's voice. It was a summon for all the wolves who lived here, so she figured her siblings and parents would show up too. Feeling giddy, she'd quickly make her way there - making a rather dramatic entrance as she slid, again, across the slick earth, stumbling into a much older wolf than her without meaning to (Galahad). Snuffing loudly, she shook her head to recover from the collision. "Oh, sorry!" she exclaimed, glancing around to find someone familiar. She found Cobalt and quickly made her way toward him, hoping the man she ran into wouldn't be too upset. "Hi Coby!" she chirped happily, nipping at his ear, tail wagging wildly behind her. Oh, there were so many wolves here! How much fun was this?! She hoped it was okay they hadn't waited for mom and dad to show up first!

Walk, "Talk" Think