
How It Always Goes



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
11-07-2016, 01:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2016, 01:03 PM by Ásvor.)
The older the herbs got, the weaker they got.. it made sense. She figured the ones that they'd just found would be extremely potent. Was she going to use them right away? She'd made a quip about poisoning young girls, but she'd also said it helped patients sleep. Did Rœkia know someone who was sick, and she was trying to help them? It was all very interesting, and suddenly she felt thirsty for more knowledge. There were so many questions to ask, and so much more she wanted to know. But.. the other woman seemed a bit dismissive, though she'd been pretty helpful up until this point. Ásvor really had no room for complaint.

Thinking about how to tie grass together to carry herbs could very well occupy the rest of her energy today. Just thinking about it, and wondering how to do it.. she couldn't begin to imagine actually making something like that on her. Nodding, she watched appreciatively as the older woman tucked her herbs away and moved to leave. "Thank you," the yearling offered, feeling thankful - something rare for the young girl. She'd learned a lot today and she was not ignorant to the fact that the burning desire to know more was even more ferocious now that she'd spent time with someone who did know more. "Good luck!" grabbing a mouthful of the herbs that she'd given Asvor, the girl headed back the way she'd came, feeling as wide-eyed and awestruck as a pup leaving its den for the first time.