
Play with me?


06-20-2013, 05:12 PM

"Hey you!" Another voice broke the silence, causing the little girl to turn toward its owner. It was another pup, possibly a bit older than her. And it was a boy. She had never talked to a boy before, but she had always dreamed of it. She saw the way her father adored her mother, and she hoped someday a boy would feel the same way about her. She didn't know her rock had hit him, she hadn't meant for it to. She was simply kicking it out of her way. "No I dint mean ta. I was just kicking it away from me." Little ears folded against her skull as she looked him over, examining the little bump carefully on his head. "Ma daddy is a healer, he could help you with dat." She had a fluent Australian accent like her mother, but she didn't know it. This boy sounded a but funny, but she assumed it was because she had never talked to anyone besides her mother and father. To her they sounded normal, and she was used to it. Another boy came onto the scene, and Liberty couldn't help but take a few steps back. She felt very uneasy, she had never been around so many strangers before. Well, besides the meetings her mother dragged her to, but she never spoke to anyone then. Now there were two cute boys trying to talk to her. "He-hello." She stuttered, but offered the new boy a warm smile. Oh how exciting this was!