
turned him to gold


11-09-2016, 10:32 PM
It was an irritating little thing, and Fortune wasn't really sure what was going to happen if she had someone like that following her around. Someone who was going to be by her side every waking moment of every day? That sounded terrible. That sounded awful. She likes her alone time, she likes to be social when she makes the decision to do it. There's something in her chest, something in her head that rings true to that. An introvert. Granted, it would be nice to have someone by her side to hunt with. It would be nice to not have to fight the larger prey on her own. Not like a companion animal would be worth the stress. She had a pack now. They could hunt with her. It was all in the same, right?

Or something like that.

Co...lumba. Columba. Dove?" The syllables taste funny in her mouth, and she trips over the first one for the first time. A soft snort in her chest, but she's smiling. There's a sense of accomplishment that comes with conquering the first word of a new language. All it takes is one step, right? One step to start a journey, and she would have a journey of goddamn discovery on her hands. That was fantastic. That was great. Fortune's eyes burn bright and soft.

He canted backwards, and Fortune sits on her haunches. There's a soft inquiry to the way she searches his face, trying not to scare the near stranger away. She was trying. Real and honest, the girl was trying. Master hunter of the Celestial pack, it was literally her job to teach. But she wouldn't tell him that. She would only offer herself and what she could do to help the man. Everyone deserved to eat, right?

"I'll teach you, but I need to know how much you know. Without a starting place, we... well, we don't have anywhere to start." With her neon eyes, she searches the man. It's careful. Things will be okay. Fortune is trying to reinforce to him that everything will be okay. Self sufficiency isn't going to be that hard. They've got it under control.


shock & awe