
Forged in Fire



9 Years
11-11-2016, 01:52 AM

"I care about you too, Xephyris. Perhaps..." Perhaps what? Her sentence trailed off, but her words had still reached him, a dopey smile forming upon his face. He wanted to stay right where he was, her intoxicating perfume egging him on, magnetizing him closer to her. He could have just given in to primal instinct; after all, it was obvious that she wanted it, too, but somewhere in his rational brain, he knew he needed to behave better than that. Logic screamed at him to hold back, to make a choice that wouldn't make his situation worse than it already was. Besides, what would become of the dear friendship they'd developed if he acted so carelessly? The attraction and the sparks between them in this moment were undeniable, but both of them were easily ruled by hormones at this delicate time. What they did today would affect the future, not  merely their own, but many others as well. That thought alone held weight to it, yet the primal beast within was clawing its way desperately to the surface, longing to take hold. How long would he be able to fight it off?

The way she leaned into him, nipping at his chest and smiling up at him, such a sweet and tender expression, drove him mad, and made his task of peeling himself from her all the more difficult. And with every moment, his body demanded to close the distance again. He was losing willpower, and fast. If he'd wanted an outcome he could control, he should have just ran. He should have never tracked her down. His suggestion of a walk was a futile attempt to keep them from doing something they might regret. Her gasp tugged at his heartstrings when he pulled himself away from her. Obviously she wanted this as much as he did, perhaps more, even if it was only driven by her heat. She seemed surprised, perhaps even a little distressed by the way he removed himself from her so suddenly. Had she expected things to play out differently? Silver eyes wandered to the woods around them, although he found little interest in it. All his mind could think of was the mottled, gray gypsy at his side. Suddenly her voice cut through the strained silence between them. She spoke his name, and moved quickly to block his path. He had tried, but there was nothing he could do to stop this.

His breath quickened again when she asked if they were crazy, his heart thudding rapidly within his chest. "We must be," he replied, his voice heavy with desire. His paws carried him toward her, closing the distance between them once more as she swayed her hips toward him. He lowered his head, pressing into her left flank, breathing in her scent hungrily. He then ran his head up alongside her rib cage toward her shoulder, his mouth reaching for her neck. He inhaled her scent again before he began to nip lightly at the side of her neck, moving his body so that his right side pressed against her left. His nose reached toward the base of her ear, nuzzling into her soft fur. "Jaelle, just tell me what you really want," he murmured, his body quivering beside her, "And I'll give you everything." His tail lay at ease by his hocks, his ears pressed back as he leaned in to her, craving her with every ounce of his being. What happened after this was a mystery to him, but in this very moment, all he wanted was her, and he would pay any price, regardless of what happened after.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]