
Forged in Fire



6 Years

11-11-2016, 03:06 AM

Everything was happening way too fast, it was too quick for her to try to wrap her head around it. All of herself that she knew, the strong willed woman with a quick tongue, wasn't there. This was her stripped down to the very basic needs, her body taking control of her mind. Hormones flooded her system, making it nearly impossible to stop everything that was unfolding before her. He had pulled away, and the coldness that rushed into that space had shocked her. But now, now she wanted more. That was why she stopped him, standing in front of him like she was blocking him from leaving. Her breathless words hardly made sense to her own ears, the blood pounding in the small veins so viciously. She kept trying to ask herself what this would do to their friendship, and what would become of the two of them if they did it. One night, just one night. Was that worth everything that they had shared? The stories and the side glances? She swallowed hard when he walked over to her, the breath hitching in her throat as his nose pulled in her scent. Jaelle's limbs quivered, the bells on her front legs calling out at an alarming pitch. But not even that was enough to rouse her from this stupor, her blue and brown eyes glued to him as his head passed over her fur. Her hackles raised as every touch brought a shock of electricity to her frame, making her insides quiver as the need for him grew. There was no rational thought left in her head, no argument to try and stop this for happening. He nipped at her neck, rewarding him with a gentle grasp. Even when he pulled away she still felt the phantom kiss at the nape of her neck, her head snapping around to press fiercely into the fur of his chest. Xephyris' aroma surrounded her, intoxicating her with its earth and manly musk. Greedily her jaws parted as her tongue flicked out, tasting the flesh at the base of his throat, right where the left side of his jaws met. A needy whine passed through her lips before she could stop it, her ear flicking as he whispered soft words to her. What did she want? She wanted him, but there was more to it. She knew it, and he knew it as well. There was still hesitation in the way she moved, her mind battling to gain even a little bit of control. She was being crazy, this was insane.

It took a moment for her to say anything, her eyes closing shut tightly as he shook against her. Her knees nearly gave out at that feeling, knowing that he was as wired as she was. "I..." she started, her voice coming out in a garbled mess. It was hard to focus on one thing when he was offering himself to her, saying she could have what she so desperately wanted. "I want you... all the time. Not just another one of your side females, but just you..." she whispered, pulling back from him ever so slightly. Her eyes flashed open to meet his blue flecked ones, searching his needy gaze as she struggled against the need to just shut up and take it. Here he was on a sparkling platter and she wanted a commitment. But did she? She didn't want to be tied down either, not stuck in some pack for the rest of her days. She needed to travel, to see the world. Wishing she could take back what she had said, her head shook back and forth. "No.. I know you can't do that. I can't do that... promise to be here every morning," Jae's brows pulled together, her words almost slurring together through her hazy mind. It was a miracle she was making sense at all. "But I... I can't lose you. Not because of this. If this happens..." oh gods she wanted it to happen... "then I need you to be here. To keep our bonds and not let things get... well..." Weird was the word she was looking for, but couldn't find it at the moment. Groaning, she dropped her forehead gently against his own, still peering into those stunning eyes of his. She was captured by him, completely enthralled with the man who sought to protect her from harm. But she thought of Soleil, of Limno. There were other woman in his life that cared for him so much, but she wasn't out here looking for a mate. She just needed this pressure released from her gut, even though she knew that she had been attracted to Xeph since the day they first met.

Pulling back, Jaelle's entire body quaked as she tried to come up with something to say, but nothing came to her at all. Instead her bell wrapped tail waved behind her, looking the gray man up and down with fire in her eyes. She pushed away everything that screamed no at her, not even caring at all anymore. He was here, and he wanted her. She needed to be wanted, to feel like she was cared for in this moment. Seeking to close the small gap she created, another whine vibrated in her throat as her chest sought to brush roughly against his. She didn't want to talk anymore, no matter how foolish it may be. They would discuss this later, when both their minds had cleared. But she knew no matter what happened, she wouldn't be letting him go. A rumble of a growl sounded as her nose tipped up, her teeth nipping softly at his cheek. She tugged slightly, a playful look in her tempting eyes. The sunlight still dappled her spotted coat, her tail rocking slowly to further spread her scent. At the moment she didn't care how dirty she was playing, because she wanted him now.

Forever? Maybe, if forever can be done from a distance. In this moment, that was all that she wanted to do -- be in the moment. Jaelle had always been a spontanous girl, and she didn't care how this ended up. She clearly wasn't thinking of the consequences, of what all could become of this. Just Xephyris and Jaelle, that was all that was on her mind. She craved to feel his teeth tease her skin, for those electric pulses to rock her muscles. Him him him, nothing else. Them, together at last. No matter how corny it sounded, it was exactly what she wanted. "I can be all ours, even if just for the moment," she whispered dangerously in his ear, her right leg raising so that she could twist her nails on the short fur on his left leg, putting light pressure on his skin there. She had never done this before, but that didn't mean that she didn't know how to work with what she was given. Her breath hissed out of her clenched teeth as she pulled back, a carnal need to devour him whole. Would she beg and plead with him, maybe. But that is when she realized that she wasn't giving him space to think of his own answers, and she didn't want to force this on him. The thought was like a cold rain as it washed over her skin, making her shiver as she quickly took a few steps back. Jaelle panted heavily, eying him as her head lowered slightly. Nothing else would come out of her mouth for now, the distance an open invitation for him to turn her away. She wouldn't hate him, she was pretty sure that she could never hate her silver knight. He had saved her once, and now she was repaying the favor. Another step back was taken, even though it felt like she was ripping out her own heart. Her desires pulsed darkly under her skin, threatening to regain control of her body. But she pressed back, her eyes slightly wide as she stood in wait. It was now or never for Xephyris, an opportunity to salvage what was left of their heated fire, or to walk away and revisit this when her body wasn't a raging ball of hormones. She hadn't the first clue of how to turn her back on him and just strut on out of her, so the monochrome woman was putting the ball in his court. He was the one with experience, the one who knew what to do and exactly what to say. He also was familiar with what came afterwards, knowledge that she hadn't picked up on her travels. Of course she knew where puppies came from, she wasn't daft. It was the whole relationship aspect that was sticky. Jae wasn't asking for him to take her as his one and only, even though she knew that's what she wanted. But was it? Fighting against her constantly battling thoughts, she shook her head and shut it all out. Silence spread between the two as she waited, her breaths still uneven as her body stood stock still.


Art by Pimsri

Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.