



10 Years
11-11-2016, 05:13 AM
Her attacks wouldn't hit quite where she wanted, but that was fine. The woman didn't let her guard down for a second, even when Liar somehow managed to make himself parallel to her right side, her right shoulder hitting an unintended target and not making quite the impact she had hoped. It didn't matter if he thought he was faster, she was heavier and stronger. She should have at least toppled him or unbalanced him considering where she had practically rammed into him, but perhaps his footing was better then she thought. Who knew.

As the male moved his hind end away from her, she smirked as she too would practically mirror him. She waited a moment, however, as the man's jaws sought to latch onto her right hind leg, she swung herself into motion once more. Lifting the very leg he was aiming for, she would aim a vicious kick at the males face, straight for his right eye in an attempt to temporarily blind him. Hopefully her attempt would not only do that, but also potentially bruise and her claws potentially scratching him. Simultaneously, her lifting her right hind leg to do this would bring it out of harms way. But of course, it would help her to also send her into the aforementioned movement of mirroring him.

She would strive to use her momentum to swing her own hind end away from him--to her own left-- with her legs practically dancing away from him, the woman then bringing her body to face his right side and bringing them into a T formation (her head aligned with his rump). As soon as she stopped moving, she made sure to keep her defenses in place.

Odette's ears remained pinned to her head, eyes narrowed, jaws open and ready to bite again. Her hackles remained raised along her spine, tail flagged out and still remained aligned with her head and spine. Her chin stayed tucked, shoulders rolled forward and head pulled back slightly to keep her scruff bunched up. She spread her hind legs and her left foreleg  to hip and shoulder width apart, keeping her weight spread as evenly as possible across those three limbs to keep her from being pushed over. Her toes spread and claws scraping into the wood beneath her feet.

As for his hind kick, she would use this to her advantage. The woman would raise her right foreleg and tuck it slightly towards her body. Once his limb was in front of her, she would snake her right foreleg forward, attempting to trap his right hind leg (by letting it drape over her right foreleg). Not only that, but she would keep going, reaching for the man's other hind leg as well. She would seek to snake her paw around his left ankle and attempt to drag it towards her. Hopefully, her attempt at completely unbalancing him and dragging his legs right out from under his body would topple him over and secure her a victory!  But she wasn't done yet!

She had warned him not to underestimate her. And that seemed to be exactly what he had done. A huge mistake on his part. Not only was she trying to go for his legs, but she would also attempt to drive that same right shoulder straight into the softer part of his abdomen, attempting to use her weight and bulk to further aid in toppling him over onto the ground. Lastly, jaws parted, the lady aiming to drive her jaws into the right side of the man's body. Specifically, his right hind leg. She tilted her head downwards and to her right, aiming to gain a grip and secure a hold around the man's right thigh. Her top jaw aimed to wrap around the back of his thigh, teeth seeking to gain their hold on the inner part while her bottom jaw sought the outside of his thigh, the woman seeking to sink her teeth into the muscle and hopefully, achieve a solid grip that she would not let him get out of if successful.

ROUND: 2/2