
Plot & Search



4 Years
11-11-2016, 12:00 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2017, 09:09 AM by Aeru.)

Aeru - True Neutral
Octavius - Lawful Good
Amante - Neutral Good

Aeru is pretty open and a social butterfly. My aim is for her to pretty much make a few good friends and to earn/gain the respect of others with a higher status. Not exactly earn alpha trust but those above mediocre ranking. Cheerful and competitive, she will roll with anyone and enjoys trying new things. A love interest is not her goal, but if someone comes by of interest she will clearly state it. As for being monogamous, at the beginning there might be multiple people until she finds someone suitable enough. But she isn't going to settle until a bit later in her life like her own mother. Pulls her own weight and is quite stubborn about it, the woman will push herself and not allow for laziness or for others to do her work. If joining a pack, you will have one loyal and diligent pack member striving to better herself and the pack.
  • Has been gone for two seasons (autumn & winter). Would be interested in any ideas that would explain her absence.
  • Currently no plots

Octavius strives for order and justice, the man holds himself with confidence and expects others to follow his lead. He will not hold back in punishing those who do not follow or show disrespect as he sees it as crime towards the leader and the kingdom they have joined. He is relentless and at times might or might not understand when to back out and allow for things to play out before taking action once more. Friends are greatly appreciated and given a good amount of respect. His bonds with others are tight and nearly unbreakable unless a serious event threatens this, willing to step forward and admit his mistakes, wanting to mend things. Family are treated just as, not wanting to fall apart or have bad ties and so it would be number one priority. But close encounters with women are new and he can be awkward around them, stammering or just completely going silent and becoming a huge clutz.
  • Will be joining Talis
  • Currently no plots

Amante is a sweet young girl who is still learning about the world. She only just lost her mother a month or two ago and is trying her best to retain those lessons and survive on her own, as difficult as it may be. She is determined to improve her skills and does not want to become useless and have to depend on others. She is very kind towards others and enjoys helping people, if the favor was returned she would thankfully take it without resistance. Interacting with others will be fairly easy some times, and others it might be awkward, specially with someone of the opposite sex. Friends are held close like family, supporting and loving them as if a whole. Romance is foreign, as the only other person she has been with was her mother. But because of this she is naive to the harm those you like can cause, and so she can become easily involved with others.
  • Staying in The Range (boreas, south)
  • Will go into her first heat next season (summer).
  • Currently no plots


If neither character interests you for plots then feel free to reply with a link to adopts you might have and are looking for people to fill out. Or, toss an idea this way for a potential future plot where new characters will be required. Anything with a high amount of gems that will have to be purchased will be declined for now, as I am not sure how often I will pop in to gain them.