
Familiar as a Stranger


11-11-2016, 02:27 PM

Neptune was immediately relieved when Miss Orcia assured him that he wasn't in trouble and that he had done just what he was supposed to. His smile returned then, especially when she told him that he had been so brave looking for them. His chest puffed out proudly again at that and he gave her a big grin. He liked being brave! Well, he liked the praise he got for it anyway! It did kind of seem like being brave just meant being hungry, but maybe that's just cause he didn't know how to get food just yet! Once he learned how to do that maybe being brave would be more fun.

He looked up at her with never ending interest and curiosity when she told him how she was on a journey with her daughter to go to a pack where their family was. "Wow! How cool!" he exclaimed, his tail wagging against the. ground and brushing away the snow behind him again. "Tha's reeeeeeally exci'ing." He punctuated his sentence with a firm nod like it had officially been decided that her trip was indeed exciting. "I hope there's lo's of your family there! Like a... a..." His brows furrowed together as he searched for the word. He was pretty sure his momma said it before... "Reunion!" His gaze bounced back up to hers at that, giving her yet another wide smile. "Yeah, a reunion! That sounds fun."

Suddenly he remembered Miss Sora and he hopped up onto his paws, looking back the way he came. "Oh! Miss Sora!" He looked back up at Miss Orcia, his ears flicking back. "I forgot about Miss Sora! She's probably lookin' for me!" He gave Miss Orcia a big smile and hopped up on his back legs enough to reach her muzzle so he could give her chin a lick. "Thanks for lettin' me see your herbs, Miss Orcia! I'll see you later!" He turned and darted off then, not registering that Orcia might not want him to do such a thing.
