
no reflection


06-20-2013, 07:39 PM

Anxiety danced throughout his body, prickling his nerves and tightening his muscles. It was not a comfortable thing to endure, but he could not simply rid himself of it. It seemed like a long time had passed before he noticed the other form slipping into his field of vision. Really, he?d been so focused on being scared that it wasn?t until the stranger was near upon him that he?d turn his head to stare. It was an older, big male with intense blue eyes that peered from an ebony face. He stood, unafraid in the rain, and was instantly a most intriguing figure. Curiosity could not quell the imp?s own terror though and he continued to quake, gazing up at the wolf, saucer-eyed. A wolf so much bigger than himself was easily a potential threat, but all of Caesar?s fears had long ago been stolen from sensible things, and thrust upon others, like the weather and its loud noises?

When the creature spoke, Caesar?s ears perked, the pitiful left straining in attempt to stand as tall as the other as it once had. ?Hi!? he squeaked, a weak and somewhat empty cheer briefly pulling through the horror. On another day, he would have been all over the other canine - overjoyed even though a mere presence was never a promising thing. Now he was a tad distracted though. ?Caesar is very bad!? came the reply, his high-pitched voice failing to convey the seriousness of the situation for him. He shivered again, and allowed his attention to dance momentarily from the stranger to the brooding skies again. Rain drops fell chidingly into his eyes and torn ear, and he blinked, shaking his head with discomfort. At least he had company now.

Claws gripped the soft earth in anticipation of another sudden snap of lightning and roar of thunder, but this time it was merely a softer rumble ? almost a coo. A soft sigh broke the continuous stream of panting, and the petite hellion?s muscles relaxed a tiny bit. His dirty fur remained in a disheveled mess though, and his stance painfully bent. He shifted his paws some, his right side still pushed against the wet stone. ?Why isn?t the old one hiding?? he peeped. The wolf had called him ?young one? so ?old one? seemed fitting enough in return. ?Is he lost? But not scared?? He didn?t look lost though.